Housing and Services

The vast majority of older adults strongly prefer to age in place where they can maintain their independence and connections to the community. Their ability to do so is at risk because few communities have a sufficient supply of affordable, accessible housing. Further, many older adults will eventually need services and supports to remain in their homes, yet lower-income groups will struggle to afford this essential care. For these reasons, many AAAs provide housing assistance such as home modifications and repairs, homelessness prevention or intervention, information about housing options, service coordination, at-home safety programs, and housing navigation.  
Supporting an aging population across the U.S. means expanding affordable and accessible housing options that have ready access to home and community-based services. USAging has a growing portfolio of projects to advance innovative solutions so older adults can have both a place to call home and access to supportive services to stably age in place.  


Homelessness among older adults is rising. Because many communities are underprepared to effectively prevent and rapidly respond to this relatively new phenomenon, USAging has engaged the National Alliance to End Homelessness in a ground-breaking new project. Together we will foster new partnerships between AAAs and homeless continuums of care (CoCs) with USAging’s grant from Next50

Learn about existing AAA-CoC partnerships in our homelessness case studies. Also, USAging CEO Sandy Markwood elevated national attention to this urgent situation in her article for the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness. 

Housing and Services

USAging serves as a major partner in the federal Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC), an initiative by Administration for Community Living (ACL) and other agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Through the HSRC, these agencies are improving access to affordable, accessible housing and the critical services that make community living possible.  

Some of our HSRC projects include providing technical assistance to Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator state teams, advancing onsite service coordination partnerships, and promoting innovative partnerships for home modifications and repairs.  

Affordable and Accessible Housing 

We also are honored to:  
  • Collaborate with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on threats to older adults’ housing stability. 
  • Encourage AAA engagement in state falls prevention coalitions as a partner to the National Council on Aging. 
  • Serve on expert panels for NORC at the University of Chicago and the Thome Aging Well Program. 
  • Promote partnerships between Habitat for Humanity affiliates and AAAs to help more older adults age and thrive in place. 

Project Lead
Molly French, Director, Housing and Services