Commit to Connect

Research shows that social isolation and loneliness pose serious health and mental health risks affecting millions of people in the United States. To address this growing public health issue, the Administration for Community Living (ACL), in collaboration with several organizations, established the Commit to Connect initiative. Through a contract with ACL, USAging serves as the Coordinating Center for the initiative, working in concert with ACL and stakeholder organizations.

Commit to Connect works to fight social isolation and loneliness by helping people connect and engage to build the social connections they need to thrive. The Initiative created a Nationwide Network of Champions which invites passionate leaders—from local, state and national levels who are dedicated to ending social isolation and loneliness—to join an online networking hub. The Nationwide Network of Champions fosters collaboration and strengthens the network of individuals committed to this issue through technical assistance, learning opportunities and online networking. Visit the hub, to learn more and sign up to join the network!

Access free resources including a bi-monthly newsletter, new Commit to Connect resources and opportunities along, with links to recent research on isolation and loneliness on the Commit to Connect website
Project Lead
Meredith Hanley, Director