Outreach Campaigns

Want to share information for consumers about the Eldercare Locator and the services of the Aging Network? Check out these tools!

Media Outreach Campaigns
The Eldercare Locator conducts media outreach campaigns to educate consumers and professionals about the many home and community-based services provided by Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI Native American aging programs. The annual Home for the Holidays campaign offers tips and encourages families to use holiday gatherings as an opportunity to communicate with older loved ones about important issues concerning their health and welfare. See below for other recent public education campaigns.

Public Service Announcements

In September 2023, USAging developed a Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign to help inform audiences about connecting to aging resources via the Eldercare Locator. We hope that you will share these six new PSAs within your community, which are available in English and Spanish. 

English Spanish Interested in promoting the Eldercare Locator in your local community? Contact Sara Tribe Clark (stribeclark@usaging.org) for a link to radio PSAs you can use in your community outreach!